Mobile Podcast & Livestream Studio

Want to record at a unique location? We'll bring everything to you!

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Virtual Studio FAQ

1How Does A Virtual Studio Work?
Our Virtual Studio allows us to connect 6 people with audio & video over the internet in real time. All guests will be able to see and hear each other while our producer edits the show from our location.

All you and your guests need are wired internet connections, headsets with microphones, and an HD web camera for video. Then we'll send you and your guests the links to log in, and we'll take care of the rest.
2What Headsets Work Best?
To be precise, an 'Over Ear Headset with Noise Canceling Microphone'.

A USB version can be found on Amazon for relatively cheap here .

3Why Do I Need A Wired Connection?
In order to connect in real time to our studio, the fastest internet access possible must be used. Wifi signals are not strong enough, and they are often used in shared spaces clogging the connection, creating delays in the transmission of our broadcasts between the guests and the studio.

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